Most clients will have the hair trimmed with scissors to just a few millimetres above the skin surface. The laser and light source will be set with parameters which take into consideration your skin color, the hair color, the thickness of the hair, the location of the hair and the amount of energy needed for the treatment to be performed.

Depending on the laser or light source used, both the client and the laser technician will wear appropriate eye protection, to prevent the laser light from potentially damaging the eyes. The area to be treated should be clean and dry.

The outer layers of the skin are protected by a cold gel and a special cooling device. This also helps the laser light penetrate further into the skin. Many of these cooling devices are now part of the laser itself, and you will feel the cold when the laser is applied to the skin.

The laser technician will then give a pulse of light to the treatment area and will observe the area for several minutes to determine if the optimal parameters were used. They will also look to see that there are no adverse effects prior to continuing the procedure.

When the procedure is complete, it is common for the area treated to have a slight redness and some accentuation of the hair follicles themselves. This is normal and should disappear within 12-24 hours. Most clients see no difference in skin colour at all.

Most individuals will be scheduled for another treatment two weeks later and the procedure will be repeated until hair growth has been eliminated. At each successive laser hair removal procedure, less hair should be found in the treatment area.